
Entry to and exit from hot, uninlined functions often accounts for a non-trivial fraction of execution time. Inlining these functions can provide small but easy speed wins.

There are four inline attributes that can be used on Rust functions.

  • None. The compiler will decide itself if the function should be inlined. This will depend on factors such as the optimization level, the size of the function, whether the function is generic, and if the inlining is across a crate boundary.
  • #[inline]. This suggests that the function should be inlined.
  • #[inline(always)]. This strongly suggests that the function should be inlined.
  • #[inline(never)]. This strongly suggests that the function should not be inlined.

Inline attributes do not guarantee that a function is inlined or not inlined, but in practice #[inline(always)] will cause inlining in all but the most exceptional cases.

Inlining is non-transitive. If a function f calls a function g and you want both functions to be inlined together at a callsite to f, both functions should be marked with an inline attribute.

Simple Cases

The best candidates for inlining are (a) functions that are very small, or (b) functions that have a single call site. The compiler will often inline these functions itself even without an inline attribute. But the compiler cannot always make the best choices, so attributes are sometimes needed. Example 1, Example 2, Example 3, Example 4, Example 5.

Cachegrind is a good profiler for determining if a function is inlined. When looking at Cachegrind’s output, you can tell that a function has been inlined if (and only if) its first and last lines are not marked with event counts. For example:

      .  #[inline(always)]
      .  fn inlined(x: u32, y: u32) -> u32 {
700,000      eprintln!("inlined: {} + {}", x, y);
200,000      x + y
      .  }
      .  #[inline(never)]
400,000  fn not_inlined(x: u32, y: u32) -> u32 {
700,000      eprintln!("not_inlined: {} + {}", x, y);
200,000      x + y
200,000  }

You should measure again after adding inline attributes, because the effects can be unpredictable. Sometimes it has no effect because a nearby function that was previously inlined no longer is. Sometimes it slows the code down. Inlining can also affect compile times, especially cross-crate inlining which involves duplicating internal representations of the functions.

Harder Cases

Sometimes you have a function that is large and has multiple call sites, but only one call site is hot. You would like to inline the hot call site for speed, but not inline the cold call sites to avoid unnecessary code bloat. The way to handle this is to split the function always-inlined and never-inlined variants, with the latter calling the former.

For example, this function:

fn main() {
fn one() {};
fn two() {};
fn three() {};
fn my_function() {

Would become these two functions:

fn main() {
fn one() {};
fn two() {};
fn three() {};
// Use this at the hot call site.
fn inlined_my_function() {

// Use this at the cold call sites.
fn uninlined_my_function() {

Example 1, Example 2.