Last week I requested help with some data analysis of the Rust compiler.

The goal here is to improve the size estimate function that guides code chunking in the Rust compiler’s parallel backend. Better estimates should result in a faster compiler. Basic statistical methods (such as linear regression) are likely to suffice; advanced machine learning techniques like supervised learning shouldn’t be needed here.

There were some truly excellent responses, many via /r/rust, and multiple requests for more data.

The responses

/u/Kulinda responded on /r/rust.

  • They identified two columns (place and proj_) that were identical.
  • They found the best four predictors for the Debug-Primary data set were ty___, lc_dc, place proj_, and rval_.
  • There were worried about overfitting due to the smallness of the data sets and the lack of test/training data split.
  • They suggested 62 * bb___ + 24 * args_ as a 2-value predictor for debug builds. I tried this briefly but it gave slightly worse performance in practice.
  • They found that inlnd was important for opt builds.

/u/jinnyjuice responded on /r/rust, and posted longer findings (including R code) on their own site.

  • They said of their technique: “The recipe formulation is pretty simple. It’s also a meta learner, though only between XGBoost and GLMNET. It doesn’t really matter for other algorithms (including neural net) – it was pretty much GLMNET.”
  • They did “a very simple cross validation” to minimize overfitting.
  • They found the most important variables were ty_cn, sttic, inlnd, and a_msg.

/u/mtijink responded on /r/rust, and posted a beautiful analysis with plots, R code, and analysis on their own site.

  • They identified that because the data is at a per-CGU level, rather than a per-function level, it’s impossible to identify any non-linear function-level effects.
  • They made some good points about repeatability and reproducibility, and how the first data sets were very limited on that front.
  • They plotted all of the individual features against time, which I found really helpful to get a feel for the data.
  • They analyzed the limits of accuracy possible with these data sets.
  • They suggested 7 * bb___ + 4 * proje as a 2-value predictor for both debug and opt builds. I tried this briefly and it appears to give small improvements in compile performance!
  • They identified that the data’s multicollinearity means that a simple model (with few parameters) is likely to do well, and (interestingly) that “for a simple model you do not need a large dataset”.

/u/bje2047 responded on /r/rust.

  • They also noted that non-linearity was a possibility.
  • They also noted the lack of a training/test data split.

/u/jmviz1 responded on /r/rust.

  • They suggested the data sets were too small to give reliable results, given the number of features and dependent variables.

/u/Anaxamander57 responded on /r/rust.

  • They used a random forest approach to analyze the data.
  • For debug builds they identified the five most important features as bb___, ty___, term_, stmt_, and vdi__.
  • For opt builds they identified the six most important features as const, regn_, proje, inlnd, ty___, and lc_dc.

/u/rasten41 responded on /r/rust.

  • They also used a random forest approach.
  • For opt builds they identified the most important features as local, place, lc_dc, proj_, rval_, stmt_, ty___.

Jon responded on Zulip.

  • They produced tables analyzing the high levels of collinearity.
  • They tried various test/training splits and did cross validation.
  • Using one technique, they identified the most important features as sttic, ty_cn, root_, const, ssd__, bb___, and inlnd. Using another technique, they got a_msg, const, inlnd, and ty_cn.
  • They analyzed mtijink’s model two-parameter function and found it performed quite well.

Felipe responded via email. They did some brief analysis, suggested using decision trees, and that larger data sets would be helpful.

Matthias responded via email. They suggested a larger data set would be helpful, as would a training/test split.

Response summary

That was quite the variety of responses! First of all, a huge thank you to everyone who put time into helping me with this problem.

If I had to sum up what I’ve learned, I would say this: if you ask five data scientists to analyze a data set, you’ll get five different answers and four requests for more data. 😁

There was very little consistency about which were the important features. To be fair, that is likely due to the limitations of the data sets, which were small, have multicollinearity, and have no training/test split.

The new data sets

The demand for more data is clear. I have collected fresh data for 1000 of the most popular crates on Some popular crates don’t compile when run in the test harness, mostly because the harness has some limitations. I had to try 1131 crates in order to get 1000 that compiled successfully. Therefore, strictly speaking, this data is for 1000 of the most popular 1131 crates.

The original data sets had data for just over 40 crates, and only half of those were “real-world” code. So these new data sets are much bigger.

The data in the files is ordered from the most popular crates to the least popular.

I have not provided a test/training split, but the data sets are large enough that people doing analysis can create their own.

I have also significantly changed the columns in the data sets, based on my “domain expertise”—a combination of digesting the responses, looking at the compiler’s code, and going with my gut feeling.

  • I removed a lot of the features that I thought were unlikely to have a meaningful effect on the result, and/or which correlated highly with another feature. This included some of the features that people had identified as important.
  • I also believe the old data sets underemphasized the importance of inlined functions, which LLVM has to treat very differently to non-inlined functions. The old data sets contained count of inlined functions, but had no data about their internals. Therefore, I have split all of the relevant intra-function features (basic blocks, statements, etc.), separating the counts for inlined functions with those for non-inlined functions. Note that inlined functions are much more common in opt builds. If I am wrong and inlining is not that important, it should be easy to sum the inlined and non-inlined columns for each feature.

I haven’t provided function-level data that would allow for detection of non-linearity. It’s possible that LLVM’s behaviour can be non-linear, but to detect this would require a lot more data. Sometimes one must draw the line somewhere, and I have decided to draw it here.

To address the repeatability shortcomings, I generated three versions of each data set, each one from a different run. The inputs values should be the same across the data sets, but the timings will vary. They are all still from the same machine and the same version of the compiler, so I haven’t addressed the reproducibility concerns.

Here are the new data sets:

I have again annotated each file with an explanation of what the columns mean. I have tried to explain sources of collinearity more clearly this time.

I hope the new data sets will lead to better results! Happy analyzing, and thank you in advance. Please direct responses to Reddit, Zulip, or email.