Let’s look at some of the progress on Rust compiler speed made since my last post. I will start with some important changes made by other people.

Windows PGO

Profile-guided optimization is a technique for producing faster programs. It has three steps.

  • Compile a program in a special way that adds instrumentation.
  • Run the compiled program on a representative workload. The instrumentation will record data about the program’s execution.
  • Recompile the program. The compiler can use the gathered data to better optimize the final code.

PGO can be highly effective, and we have been using it for some time when building the Rust compiler on Linux.

#96978: In this PR, @lqd enabled PGO for the Rust compiler on Windows, with help from @Kobzol and others. PGO is fragile and tricky to get working on large programs, and it took much trial and error to configure correctly. But the effort was worth it, with 10-20% wins across most invocations in the benchmark suite, with an average of 12.5%! Amazing.

We’d love to get PGO working on Mac as well. Unfortunately, this is challenging from a CI configuration and maintenance point of view. See the discussion on Reddit for more details.

For better news on Mac, it seems that the next version of Xcode (14.0) may include a much faster linker. We have one data point showing it is roughly twice as fast as the current linker for Rust code.

MIR inlining

#91473: In this PR cjgillot enabled the MIR inliner. This lets rustc’s frontend do inlining, so it no longer has to rely only on the LLVM backend to perform inlining. (LLVM still does some inlining, though.) This change affected compile times for many crates, mostly for the better, with improvements of up to 10% for primary benchmarks. It cut rustc bootstrap time by 8.8%. It also helps the speed of code produced by the Cranelift backend:

This has improved runtime performance of cg_clif compiled programs by a lot (when compiled in release mode). For example rustc compiled using cg_clif now builds the standard library in 8 min instead of 22 min.

This change was a lot of work. Great job, @cjgillot!

Procedural macros

In my last post I said I was planning to look into the performance of procedural macros. I did make one PR that did a few small cleanups. But that part of the compiler is tricky and has lower than average reviewer coverage, which makes progress slow.

In better news, some progress was finally made on a year-old proc macro performance PR from Nika Layzell, which was producing wins of up to 5% on primary benchmarks and up to 36% on one procedural macro stress test. The PR was split up and parts of it landed in #98186, #98187, and #98188. That leaves only #98189 outstanding at the time of writing.

Deriving builtin traits

In June I watched some talks at PLDI and co-located workshops, including a nice one at LCTES about a paper called Tighten Rust’s Belt: Shrinking Embedded Rust Binaries. It investigates why Rust binaries tend to be larger (often by 50% to 100%) than similar C binaries. There are several reasons, but one of them was the size of the derived code for types annotated with #[derive(Debug)].

This prompted me to look at the derived code for all the builtin traits: Clone, Copy, Debug, Default, Hash, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, and Ord. (I ignored RustcEncodable and RustcDecodable which were deprecated in Rust 1.52.) I did this by using cargo expand and rustc +nightly -Zunpretty=expanded. Although the LCTES paper focused on binary size, I figured that improvements could help code size, too.


Over a few weeks I filed a number of PRs that (a) improved the derived code, and (b) significantly refactored the rustc_builtin_macros crate, which is the part of the compiler that produces the derived code.

  • #98190 (3 commits): Reduces number of function calls in derived code for Debug.
  • #98376 (5 commits): Refactorings and tiny derived code improvements, plus the addition of a test that checks derived code—we didn’t have one before—that was very useful for all the subsequent work.
  • #98741 (12 commits): Refactorings.
  • #98446 (3 commits): Replaces match destructuring with field accesses in derived code, plus test improvements.
  • #98758 (7 commits): Several small derive code improvements, plus test improvements.
  • #98915 (8 commits): Refactorings.
  • #99046 (11 commits): More small derive code improvements, plus test improvements.

On many real-world crates these improvements reduced compile times by 1-7%. On the derive stress test they win up to 25%. The average across every result in the benchmark suite was a 1% win. I have also seen some small binary size reductions, though I haven’t measured these carefully.

I also have a PR open to stop deriving ne methods, because the default ne method is always good enough. It’s currently stalled because of a suggestion that this requires adding a new lint for deprecating the overriding of particular methods.

Finally, I also have a PR open on Serde, to reduce the size of the derived code for the Serialize and Deserialize traits, which reduces compile times on some stress tests by up to 30%. Interestingly, the derived code for these traits is much larger than the derived code for the builtin traits, especially for Deserialize.

Details of improvements

Here are some example diffs showing the improvement between the old and new derived code for the builtin traits.

This one shows how the fmt method for a struct with two fields went from containing four function calls to one function call. It also shows how match destructuring was replaced with field accesses.

 struct Point { x: u32, y: u32 }

 impl ::core::fmt::Debug for Point {
     fn fmt(&self, f: &mut ::core::fmt::Formatter) -> ::core::fmt::Result {
-        match *self {
-            Self {
-                x: ref __self_0_0,
-                y: ref __self_0_1,
-            } => {
-                let debug_trait_builder = &mut ::core::fmt::Formatter::debug_struct(f, "Point");
-                let _ = ::core::fmt::DebugStruct::field(debug_trait_builder, "x", &&(*__self_0_0));
-                let _ = ::core::fmt::DebugStruct::field(debug_trait_builder, "y", &&(*__self_0_1));
-                ::core::fmt::DebugStruct::finish(debug_trait_builder)
-            }
-        }
+        ::core::fmt::Formatter::debug_struct_field2_finish(f, "Point", "x", &&self.x, "y", &&self.y)

The next one shows a similar improvement, but for a struct with more than five fields, which uses a slightly different approach.

 struct Big { b1: u32, b2: u32, b3: u32, b4: u32, b5: u32, b6: u32, b7: u32, b8: u32 }

 impl ::core::fmt::Debug for Big {
     fn fmt(&self, f: &mut ::core::fmt::Formatter) -> ::core::fmt::Result {
-        match *self {
-            Self {
-                b1: ref __self_0_0,
-                b2: ref __self_0_1,
-                b3: ref __self_0_2,
-                b4: ref __self_0_3,
-                b5: ref __self_0_4,
-                b6: ref __self_0_5,
-                b7: ref __self_0_6,
-                b8: ref __self_0_7,
-            } => {
-                let debug_trait_builder = &mut ::core::fmt::Formatter::debug_struct(f, "Big");
-                let _ = ::core::fmt::DebugStruct::field(debug_trait_builder, "b1", &&(*__self_0_0));
-                let _ = ::core::fmt::DebugStruct::field(debug_trait_builder, "b2", &&(*__self_0_1));
-                let _ = ::core::fmt::DebugStruct::field(debug_trait_builder, "b3", &&(*__self_0_2));
-                let _ = ::core::fmt::DebugStruct::field(debug_trait_builder, "b4", &&(*__self_0_3));
-                let _ = ::core::fmt::DebugStruct::field(debug_trait_builder, "b5", &&(*__self_0_4));
-                let _ = ::core::fmt::DebugStruct::field(debug_trait_builder, "b6", &&(*__self_0_5));
-                let _ = ::core::fmt::DebugStruct::field(debug_trait_builder, "b7", &&(*__self_0_6));
-                let _ = ::core::fmt::DebugStruct::field(debug_trait_builder, "b8", &&(*__self_0_7));
-                ::core::fmt::DebugStruct::finish(debug_trait_builder)
-            }
-        }
+        let names: &'static _ =
+            &["b1", "b2", "b3", "b4", "b5", "b6", "b7", "b8"];
+        let values: &[&dyn ::core::fmt::Debug] = &[
+            &&self.b1, &&self.b2, &&self.b3, &&self.b4, &&self.b5, &&self.b6,
+            &&self.b7, &&self.b8,
+        ];
+        ::core::fmt::Formatter::debug_struct_fields_finish(
+            f, "Big", names, values,
+        )

The next one shows how redundant assertions (seen in the derived functions for Clone and Eq) are avoided when there are multiple fields with the same type. It also shows removal of an unnecessary block.

 impl ::core::cmp::Eq for Big {
     fn assert_receiver_is_total_eq(&self) -> () {
-        {
-            let _: ::core::cmp::AssertParamIsEq<u32>;
-            let _: ::core::cmp::AssertParamIsEq<u32>;
-            let _: ::core::cmp::AssertParamIsEq<u32>;
-            let _: ::core::cmp::AssertParamIsEq<u32>;
-            let _: ::core::cmp::AssertParamIsEq<u32>;
-            let _: ::core::cmp::AssertParamIsEq<u32>;
-            let _: ::core::cmp::AssertParamIsEq<u32>;
-            let _: ::core::cmp::AssertParamIsEq<u32>;
-        }
+        let _: ::core::cmp::AssertParamIsEq<u32>;

The next one shows removal of uninteresting boilerplate code for the degenerate case of an empty struct. There are similar improvements for other degenerate cases, such as empty enums and enums with a single variant. These aren’t common but when I was neck-deep in rustc_builtin_macros it was fairly straightforward (and very satisfying) to make them work nicely.

 struct Empty;

 impl ::core::cmp::PartialEq for Empty {
     fn eq(&self, other: &Empty) -> bool {
-        match *other {
-            Self => match *self {
-                Self => true,
-            },
-        }
+        true

The next one shows how field accesses can work even on a packed struct, as long as it impls Copy, by using an extra block which forces a copy. This is a trick I learned from @scottmcm.

 struct PackedCopy(u32);

 impl ::core::hash::Hash for PackedCopy {
     fn hash<__H: ::core::hash::Hasher>(&self, state: &mut __H) -> () {
-        match *self {
-            Self(__self_0_0) => ::core::hash::Hash::hash(&(__self_0_0), state),
-        }
+        ::core::hash::Hash::hash(&{ self.0 }, state)

The next one shows various improvements for enums: the removal of unnecessary 1-tuple patterns, ref keywords, parentheses, and sigils.

 impl ::core::clone::Clone for Fielded {
     fn clone(&self) -> Fielded {
-        match (&*self,) {
-            (&Fielded::X(ref __self_0),) => Fielded::X(::core::clone::Clone::clone(&(*__self_0))),
-            (&Fielded::Y(ref __self_0),) => Fielded::Y(::core::clone::Clone::clone(&(*__self_0))),
-            (&Fielded::Z(ref __self_0),) => Fielded::Z(::core::clone::Clone::clone(&(*__self_0))),
-        }
+        match self {
+            Fielded::X(__self_0) => Fielded::X(::core::clone::Clone::clone(__self_0)),
+            Fielded::Y(__self_0) => Fielded::Y(::core::clone::Clone::clone(__self_0)),
+            Fielded::Z(__self_0) => Fielded::Z(::core::clone::Clone::clone(__self_0)),
+        }

The next one shows how struct comparisons improved, by removing a useless match on the result of the final field comparison.

 impl ::core::cmp::Ord for Point {
     fn cmp(&self, other: &Point) -> ::core::cmp::Ordering {
-        match *other {
-            Self {
-                x: ref __self_1_0,
-                y: ref __self_1_1,
-            } => match *self {
-                Self {
-                    x: ref __self_0_0,
-                    y: ref __self_0_1,
-                } => match ::core::cmp::Ord::cmp(&(*__self_0_0), &(*__self_1_0)) {
-                    ::core::cmp::Ordering::Equal => {
-                        match ::core::cmp::Ord::cmp(&(*__self_0_1), &(*__self_1_1)) {
-                            ::core::cmp::Ordering::Equal => ::core::cmp::Ordering::Equal,
-                            cmp => cmp,
-                        }
-                    }
-                    cmp => cmp,
-                },
-            },
-        }
+        match ::core::cmp::Ord::cmp(&self.x, &other.x) {
+            ::core::cmp::Ordering::Equal => ::core::cmp::Ord::cmp(&self.y, &other.y),
+            cmp => cmp,
+        }

The next one shows how hashing of enums improved, by hashing the discriminant once at the start instead of in every match arm.

 enum Fielded { X(u32), Y(bool), Z(Option<i32>) }

 impl ::core::hash::Hash for Fielded {
     fn hash<__H: ::core::hash::Hasher>(&self, state: &mut __H) -> () {
-        match (&*self,) {
-            (&Fielded::X(ref __self_0),) => {
-                ::core::hash::Hash::hash(&::core::intrinsics::discriminant_value(self), state);
-                ::core::hash::Hash::hash(&(*__self_0), state)
-            }
-            (&Fielded::Y(ref __self_0),) => {
-                ::core::hash::Hash::hash(&::core::intrinsics::discriminant_value(self), state);
-                ::core::hash::Hash::hash(&(*__self_0), state)
-            }
-            (&Fielded::Z(ref __self_0),) => {
-                ::core::hash::Hash::hash(&::core::intrinsics::discriminant_value(self), state);
-                ::core::hash::Hash::hash(&(*__self_0), state)
-            }
-        }
+        let __self_tag = ::core::intrinsics::discriminant_value(self);
+        ::core::hash::Hash::hash(&__self_tag, state);
+        match self {
+            Fielded::X(__self_0) => ::core::hash::Hash::hash(__self_0, state),
+            Fielded::Y(__self_0) => ::core::hash::Hash::hash(__self_0, state),
+            Fielded::Z(__self_0) => ::core::hash::Hash::hash(__self_0, state),
+        }

The next one shows how comparisons on discriminants were streamlined for enums.

 enum Fieldless { A, B, C }

 impl ::core::cmp::Ord for Fieldless {
     fn cmp(&self, other: &Fieldless) -> ::core::cmp::Ordering {
-        {
-            let __self_vi = ::core::intrinsics::discriminant_value(&*self);
-            let __arg_1_vi = ::core::intrinsics::discriminant_value(&*other);
-            if true && __self_vi == __arg_1_vi {
-                match (&*self, &*other) {
-                    _ => ::core::cmp::Ordering::Equal,
-                }
-            } else {
-                ::core::cmp::Ord::cmp(&__self_vi, &__arg_1_vi)
-            }
-        }
+        let __self_tag = ::core::intrinsics::discriminant_value(self);
+        let __arg1_tag = ::core::intrinsics::discriminant_value(other);
+        ::core::cmp::Ord::cmp(&__self_tag, &__arg1_tag)


The derived code for all builtin traits is now close to optimal, and very similar to what you would write by hand. You can see more examples in the compiler’s test suite: Rust code, expanded output.

In my last post, I described some improvements I made to the compiler’s handling of declarative macros. This work on derived code had some similarities: it was spread over a number of PRs, and involved both a combination of refactorings and optimizations. But it also had some differences.

My declarative macro work was very exploratory. I didn’t have a clear idea where things would end up, and I had to feel my way through the changes. In comparison, these deriving improvements were relatively straightforward. As soon as I looked at the derived code it was clear what improvements were possible. I had to get familiar with rustc_builtin_macros to make these improvements, but that crate is fairly straightforward for anyone with compiler experience.

They key part here was the prompt from the LCTES talk to even look at the derived code in the first place, which was something I’d never thought to do. When looking at profiles of rustc execution the compilation of derived code doesn’t show up any differently to the compilation of hand-written code, so it was easy to overlook the difference. It’s a nice reminder on the value of external input and a diversity of viewpoints and experience.

It’s also a good reminder that one of the best ways to reduce compile times is to simply push less code through the compiler. Derived code (either builtin or from proc macros) can increase program size significantly, in a way that isn’t obvious to most Rust programmers.


Let’s now look at some smaller improvements in a few different areas.

Const generics

When considering which types implement which traits, the compiler sometimes does many type comparisons. The full comparisons are moderately expensive, so the compiler has a “fast reject” operation that in many case can cheaply determine if two types are unequal, thus avoiding the full comparison.

This fast reject operation did not handle comparisons of the form Foo<M> vs Foo<N> where M and N are different const integers (e.g. Foo<1> vs Foo<2>). A small number of crates instantiate such types with hundreds or thousands of different const values.

#97136, #97345: In these PRs @lcnr and I improved the fast reject operation to cover more cases, including the Foo<M> vs Foo<N> case. This gave some huge compile time reductions on a few crates: up to 69% on bitmaps-3.1.0, up to 59% on nalgebra, up to 39% on secrecy-0.8.0, etc. Wins this large on real-world crates are rare and nice to see.


#96210: In this PR I made many micro-optimizations in and around the TokenCursor type used in the parser, giving wins of up to 17% on the tt-muncher stress test and wins of 1-2% across many real-world benchmarks.

#96683: In this PR I micro-optimized one function involved in parsing, giving wins across many benchmarks, the best being 7%.


#96790: In this PR @lqd updated the version of jemalloc used by the compiler to the latest (5.3), which reduced peak memory usage on many benchmarks, by up to 5% on primary benchmarks and up to 10% on secondary benchmarks. It also gave lots of 1-2% speed wins.


#97575: A big part of a crate’s metadata is the lines list, a difference list of byte offsets to the start of each line in the source code. The compiler would decompress this list into a more usable form for std when compiling any program, even though it was often never used. In this PR I made the decompressing step lazy, for wins of up to 15% for tiny programs. Although it’s a small win in absolute terms, it makes up for this by shaving a few milliseconds off almost every invocation of the compiler.


smallvec #282: In this PR I improved the speed of SmallVec::insert in the case where the item is being inserted at the end of vector, by avoiding a zero-length memcpy. This was a case that was common in rustc on one benchmark. This change was released in smallvec 1.8.1. In #98588 I then updated the version of smallvec used in rustc, for 2% wins on the tt-muncher benchmark. (Thanks to Matt Brubeck for making the 1.8.1 release of smallvec.)

#98755: In this PR I made the same change to Vec::insert, giving some sub-1% wins on a couple of benchmarks.

#96002: vec.clear() was calling vec.truncate(0), which isn’t inlined and does more work than is necessary when clearing the entire vector. In this PR I changed clear() to be more efficient. I saw some wins when profiling locally, but not on CI. I suspect this is because PGO optimizes truncate(0) to be as good as the new clear(). But not all platforms are compiled with PGO, so it was worth merging.

Finally, if you are using the tinyvec crate you should strongly consider enabling the rustc_1_55 feature because I discovered that it makes that crate compile up to twice as fast. This issue has the details.

Optimizations targeting single crates

Our prior analysis identified a long tail of functions in the compiler that are hot on just one or two crates. Many of these were not worth the time and effort to improve, but there were a few easy wins.

#97936: unicode-normalization-0.1.19 has a number of large matches containing many range patterns like '\u{037A}'..='\u{037F}'. In this PR I optimized the handling of such ranges, for wins on this crates of up to 19%.

#98569: In this PR I rearranged the finalize_resolutions_in function to avoid unnecessary work in some cases, for a small speed win when compiling c2-chacha-0.3.3.

#98654: In this PR I found an operation in the function search_for_structural_match_violation that was unnecessary, for a small speed win when compiling pest-2.1.3.

Third party crates

I made a couple of small improvements to crates outside of the compiler.

pin-project-lite #71: During my work earlier in the year on declarative macros I noticed that the pin-project-lite crate had a very large macro called __pin_project_lite with many internal rules. This PR split the macro into several smaller macros. The performance wins were small (2% at best) but it made the code more readable, and so was worthwhile if only for that.

unicode-xid #29: This PR changes two large constants from const to static, reducing the size of the resulting .rlib and .rmeta files by about 40KB.

Roadmap progress

Since last time, the main progress on the Compiler performance roadmap for 2022 is that the “Hot Code” part of the “Faster single crate optimization” section has been completed.

The remaining unfinished items are among the more difficult and/or less well-specified, and I don’t expect every item on the list to be completed this year. Also, there is plenty of work that could be done that doesn’t fit under the roadmap. As it says in the introduction, the roadmap is “a rough guide, rather than a strict prescription”. We will keep plugging away at it.

General Progress

For the period 2022-04-12 to 2022-07-19 the following screenshot summarizes the results.

rustc-perf wall-time 2022-04-12 to 2022-07-19

There 202 improvements to the results of the rustc benchmark suite, with the average improvement being 10%. There were 257 results that were not significantly changed, and 23 results that regressed, with the average regression being 13.7%, although this was skewed by one 120% regression to a single doc run of one secondary benchmark. Overall, the average result was a 5% improvement.

For rust developers there was also a reduction in bootstrap times of 5%, which is nice.

Please note that these measurements are done on Linux, and do not include the 12.5% average improvement that Windows users will see from PGO!

This is a healthy result for a three month period, and continues a long trend of improvements in rustc compiler performance. As Rust grows in popularity these speed wins benefit an increasing number of people. Thanks to everybody who contributed!